• What is it?
Queer Book Box is a curated book subscription service. Every month (or 2 months if you prefer) we deliver one really great book, written by a queer author, with queer main characters. Depending on the type of subscription you go for, we'll also send you related bookish extras. Check out The Boxes for more info.


• Is it just all about coming out?
No, it’s the opposite of that actually. It’s about sharing honest stories about our lives, the hilarious things that happen to us, the poignant things, the time we discovered we had a super power, or that time we solved a murder. You know, standard queer things. It’s regular books, but with us in it. And maybe some romance you actually relate to.


• Is it going to be all Oscar Wilde and Sylvia Plath?
No, there's so much contemporary queer lit out there that -although we may throw in the odd classic- we'd rather send you things you might not have heard of. Not to mention, the queer misery trope has been done to death and who needs that right now? What we’re sending you is less Well of Loneliness and more “well this is interesting”.


• Can I order previous boxes?
Check out The Shop to see if we have any in stock!


• Can I get more than one book per month?
Right now we’re only sending one per month, but depending on the box you choose we’ll also send “if you liked that, try this” recommendations (and loads of other things). If you want the option to have more books let us know here: What’s next for Queer Book Box?


• What’s next for Queer Book Box?
Right now we're working on launching a YA crate. Tell us what you would like to see here: What’s next for Queer Book Box?